Jon and I have begun scheduling our initial interviews for the film. Please look at the current dates in the column on the right side of this page. Come on out even if you don't want to appear on camera and support these worthwhile fund raising efforts.
Please pass this link along. We're still looking for people willing to appear on camera and share their stories about Appendix Cancer.
Also, we ask for forgiveness in advance. The information and pleas above will be repeated often as new readers discover this site.
My little Sister is currently 17 months in remission!!! This is amazing that you are doing this!! I can tell you that after seeing everything that she went thru it has totally changed my outlook on life! My Sister is a trooper and she NEVER let this get her down! There is life after Apendix Cancer!!! You can read her blog at She is a TRUE inspiration I encourage everyone to read her blog while she was going thru her fight!